Huusquell Spa Lobby

Huus Quell

Our modern rooms offer comfort and a relaxed atmosphere that will make your stay unforgettable. Enjoy a wellness oasis close to nature and a breakfast buffet.



Appenzeller Huus Loewen RET 2542 Room 213

Huus Löwen

The 18th century Huus Löwen is a fusion of tradition and modernity. Look forward to 24 rooms, breakfast and access to the Bären Spa with sauna, steam bath and relaxation area.



Hotelbärengonten Room Residenzfamilyroom1 Retoguntli (3)

Huus Bären

The Huus Bären, over 400 years old, is the heart of the Appenzeller Huus. Experience 18 rooms, breakfast and access to the Bären Spa with sauna, steam bath and relaxation area.


