Appenzeller Huus

Schmitte – Cigar Lounge

For cigar lovers: Our Cigar Lounge in the 16th century Schmitte offers the right ambience to enjoy your cigar in peace.

Next to the wine cellar, in the century-old blacksmith's shop, you won't find horseshoes, but you will find a carefully curated cigar menu. Here you can enjoy a cozy fire in the century-old fireplace. Perhaps you will be tempted by the view of the historic vaulted wine cellar - our wine specialist, Hans Rhyners, can recommend the right drop for any occasion.

Wednesday to Saturday
8:00 AM to max. 00.00 AM

Appenzeller Huus Schmitte 20211207 BAEREN GONTEN 668 1 Cigar Lounge
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte 20211207 BAEREN GONTEN 671 1 Cigar Lounge
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte 20211207 BAEREN GONTEN 665 1 Cigar Lounge
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte 20211207 BAEREN GONTEN 658 1 Cigar Lounge
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte Cigar Lounge Huus Bären David Biedert
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte Cigar Lounge Huus Bären David Biedert (2)
Appenzeller Huus Schmitte Cigar Lounge Huus Bären David Biedert (4)